Returnable Packaging Blog

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Green and Clean for 35 Years! Society has become more environmentally conscious with an increased emphasis on preserving, protecting, and sustaining the environment. Sustainability has become more than just a green buzzword; it’s now a movement. Amatech has been at the forefront of the environmental benefits of using returnable/reusable packaging since the company was started in 1990. Owner and founder of Amatech, Dave Amantangelo, believed in prolonging the life cycle of a box on an environmental, economic, and financial level for customers. One tree makes 100 boxes and usually those boxes are tossed out after one use due to poor durability. Amatech’s Reusable Plastic Containers (RPCs) can be used for multiple uses and that’s what Amatech has done for its customers.
Why do we offer both prototypes and concept drawings? What are the differences between the two? Finally, how do each of these help your returnable packaging get designed properly and efficiently?
Amatech is known for its unique, customizable Reusable, Sustainable, and Returnable packaging. Nothing is out of a catalog at Amatech. When your package is designed, it is created to satisfy your specific needs. Our sales team is much more than just sales, they're creators. If you are in the process of or considering the transition from an existing expendable package to reusable packaging, we are here to assist. At Amatech, we know that what works for some does not work for others. For instance, a certain shaped corrugated box might work well in your assembly line, so it makes sense to replicate that box with a plastic corrugated box with the exact dimensions and bells & whistles for a seamless introduction to your process.
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Our Vision

Amatech, Inc. will continue to build long term financial stability through growth in diversified markets, innovative products, and operational excellence with a continuing commitment to our customers and employees.

Our Mission

Innovation plus adaptability is the formula we use to provide continued satisfaction to every customer. That is the central focus of our business. 

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