Returnable Packaging Blog

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When a client reaches out to their project managers, they have a product they need to protect. It is quite obviously our job to ensure that this happens - effectively and efficiently. In designing a returnable package for a customer, there are many factors that come into play. Our project managers need to take things like the weight of the part, whether the part has class A surfaces, how long the returnable packaging program is expected to be in place, and what the application might be. When we talk about applications, we are referring to how the returnable packaging will be utilized. For example, will it be used in a WIP (work in process) application or will the pack be in transit packed on a truck for shipment perhaps.  All of the above are just a few of the many things our project managers take into consideration prior to getting a quote prepared for review. Visit our project discovery form…
We are going to feature all of our Project Managers - next up, Joe Greulich.  They are technically our inside sales team but there is much more to their positions at Amatech than that. When you hear the words inside sales team - what does that really mean to you? Sales, is in fact, a small portion of what our team does on a daily basis. Our sales process does not include a catalog; all of what we design and manufacture is completely custom for each and every one of our customers. The sales team's process and knowledge base extend to project management. They are your Project Managers. They will be with you on your project's journey from your first call, first web inquiry, or first email; all of the way to the date your returnable packaging ships. Once you receive your returnable packaging - they follow up to ensure that it has met your expectations. We feel it is key…
In our last Why Amatech is Amazing post, we featured one of our Project Managers - Vince Campanelli.   We are going to feature all of our Project Managers - next up, Tony Amatangelo III.  They are technically our inside sales team but there is much more to their positions at Amatech than that. When you hear the words inside sales team - what does that really mean to you? Sales, is in fact, a small portion of what our team does on a daily basis. Our sales process does not include a catalog; all of what we design and manufacture is completely custom for each and every one of our customers. The sales team's process and knowledge base extend to project management. They are your Project Managers. They will be with you on your project's journey from your first call, first web inquiry, or first email; all of the way to the date your returnable packaging ships. Once you receive your…

Our Vision

Amatech, Inc. will continue to build long term financial stability through growth in diversified markets, innovative products, and operational excellence with a continuing commitment to our customers and employees.

Our Mission

Innovation plus adaptability is the formula we use to provide continued satisfaction to every customer. That is the central focus of our business. 

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