Returnable Packaging Blog

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In this post, you will find terms for commonly used materials in the returnable packaging world with links to more in-depth descriptions/explanations/examples.
What is returnable packaging? The Returnable Packaging Association (RPA) defines ‘returnable packaging’ as packaging which includes “...reusable pallets, racks, bulk containers, hand-held containers and dunnage that move product efficiently and safely throughout the supply chain. Reusable packaging is typically used by manufacturers/processors and their suppliers/customers in a well-organized supply chain, with very tightly managed shipping loops. Returnable packaging is constructed of durable materials such as metal, plastic or wood and is designed to withstand the rough handling of a typical logistics system.”
At Amatech, we are determined to deliver that solution that fits your product best. Not only for a short-term solution but for the long term so it benefits your returnable packaging program into the future. See the examples below and be sure to follow the links for more info on how we are moving solutions forward for you. 

Our Vision

Amatech, Inc. will continue to build long term financial stability through growth in diversified markets, innovative products, and operational excellence with a continuing commitment to our customers and employees.

Our Mission

Innovation plus adaptability is the formula we use to provide continued satisfaction to every customer. That is the central focus of our business. 

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