Returnable Packaging Blog

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We thought it a really good idea to give you some examples of our returnable packaging solutions. We not only want to feature what we can do for you we also want to give you some insight on the markets these solutions serve. Highlighting our stellar team of project managers is the bonus of this blog post.
In this world, right now, our normal has changed considerably. There is incredible gravity felt all over the world due to the impact of COVID-19. As much as many are under distress - there is a lot of good coming out of this. We as humans can be extraordinary. We know this as we've witnessed humans rise to the occasion to help one another with other disasters. Two examples that come to mind are Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. We truly rally together, to protect one another to try and comfort and assist one another. It makes one proud when the industry you work in is part of the rally. Organizations are not only voluntarily a part of it but returnable packaging also supports the essential businesses that are hard at work, as we speak. Returnable packaging is a large part of moving products through the supply chain. An example is a news reporter, from New York City, was standing in…
As we move through 2020, let's take a look at what is happening in the returnable/reusable/sustainable packaging world. Here, we are going to talk about a few trends and how Amatech stays ahead of the curve. 

Our Vision

Amatech, Inc. will continue to build long term financial stability through growth in diversified markets, innovative products, and operational excellence with a continuing commitment to our customers and employees.

Our Mission

Innovation plus adaptability is the formula we use to provide continued satisfaction to every customer. That is the central focus of our business. 

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