Savings Calculator

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Returnable Packaging Calculator

Use the calculator below to assess how quickly returnable packaging can pay for itself.



$ 0.00D. Annual cost of cardboard per limited trip

E. Hours per year spend assembling packaging, if any?



F. Additional Annual Costs




$ 0.00Total annual cost of cardboard / limited trip system

G. Total quantity of plastic containers required to replace disposable / limited trip system. Take into account the following:

  • Number of containers packed each day
  • Number of containers collected at a time
  • Frequency of collection
  • Time to unpack and return containers (days)
  • Shrinkage @ 2% per year
  • Buffer stock for seasonal peaks, if any


$0.00Cost of implementing a returnable system

J. Other potential costs…



$0.00Total cost of implementing a returnable system

Time to pay back your investment: 0 Years

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