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Common Names: Polyurethane foam, Urethane foam, Polyether foam, Polyester foam
Description: Polyurethane foam is an open cell material that is primarily used to protect and support lighter weight, delicate product with high fragility. This foam provides excellent cushioning and can be fabricated to meet your specifications. Convoluted cut foam is also available in many sizes.
Uses: We use Polyurethane foam in expendable packaging (one time ship - not returnable) that utilize convoluted cut foam (egg crate), sawcut pads and blocks, and waterjet cut pads.
Physical Properties: Polyurethane foam comes in 2 primary types, polyether and polyester. Densities available are 1.0# up to 2# with differing ILD values. Thickness available can be from .25" thick up to 10" thick. Colors are Charcoal (gray) and Natural (White)

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Amatech, Inc. will continue to build long term financial stability through growth in diversified markets, innovative products, and operational excellence with a continuing commitment to our customers and employees.

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Innovation plus adaptability is the formula we use to provide continued satisfaction to every customer. That is the central focus of our business. 

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