Common Names: Spuntex, Spunguard, PP Woven material
Description: Spuntex is a soft, pliable, non-abrasive fabric that can be laminated to most of our materials like plastic corrugated and HDPE. We can apply to 1 or 2 sides and use our rolled-edge technology. Spuntex meets most class-A surface protection requirements. Spuntex is environmentally friendly.
Uses: We use spuntex to laminate our plastic corrugated either 1 or 2 sides and/or our rolled edge products. "Spun" is used to protect many surfaces including Class A, painted, and leathered surfaces. We use spuntex on our divider, pads, carton and tote liners, and bag systems.
Physical Properties: Spuntex is 100% polypropylene spun material available in 2 - 2.5 oz. fabric weight with a thickness of appx .062" thick. The colors available are Blue, which is our stock color, but Black and Gray are available in minimum quantity.