Common Names: XLPE, Crosslink Foam, Crosslinked Polyethylene, Closed cell foam
Description: Crosslinked Polyethylene (XLPE) is a closed cell foam characterized by extremely small cells that give the material a smooth and soft feel and resistance to water. XLPE offers great durability and top of the line class A protection. EVA Ethyl Vinyl Acetate foams are available also.
Uses: We heavily use XLPE foam for many different applications to hold and protect parts from packing and shipping damage. We waterjet cut XLPE to custom form to parts that require class A surface protection for returnable packaging in multiple industries like Automotive, Appliance, and Medical.
Physical Properties: Crosslinked Polyethylene (XLPE) is a closed cell foam that is soft and moisture resistant. Densities available are 1.5#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, and 9#. Standard thicknesses are 2", 3", and 4" but can be custom cut down to any thickness needed. Common colors are Charcoal (Black), Gray, and White. Cutting tolerance is +/-.125"