Returnable Packaging Blog

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We've covered the benefits of returnable packaging in our Handling of Expendable Packaging vs. Returnable Packaging post. Citing that corrugated plastic is durable, reusable, and moisture-resistant. Furthermore, we stated the benefits of returnable packaging also include a reduction in overall shipping costs, safer delivery, and fewer workplace injuries. So, we provided you with the benefits, but when does it make sense for you to convert to returnables if you are currently using expendables? When is the application the right one and is there a closed-loop system in place? Will you receive your desired ROI when you convert?
When a client reaches out, they have a product they need to protect. It is our job to ensure that this happens effectively and efficiently. In designing a returnable package for a customer, there are many factors that come into play. Our project managers need to take things like the weight of the part, whether the part has class A surfaces, how long the returnable packaging program is expected to be in place, and what the application will be. When we talk about applications, we are referring to how returnable packaging will be utilized. Will it be used in a WIP (work in process) application or will the pack be in transit packed on a truck for shipment?  These are just a few of the many things our project managers take into consideration prior to getting a quote prepared for review. Visit our project discovery form to see more. They need all of the pertinent information from our customers so…
Did you know that one returnable box could replace over 100 cardboard boxes? Not only can returnable packaging help a company reduce its carbon footprint, but returnables can also keep the production lines clean. During the design process, we take into account the lines that the packaging is being used on. With returnable packaging, you can eliminate not only all the cardboard but also any protective films, plastic bags, or other materials used with cardboard that you would have to put in the dumpster. Returnables can be a big part of cost savings and help everyone keep a clean line and workspace.

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